2025 Council Bills and Reports to Council
CB 2025-015 A Resolution Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement Between the City of Champaign and the City of Urbana for the Design and Construction of Improvements to Wright Street.pdf
CB 2025-014 A Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of One Street Sweeper and Declaring One Street Sweeper as Surplus Property.pdf
CB 2025-013 A Resolution Authorizing a Gas Use Tax Settlement.pdf
CB 2025-012 A Resolution Accepting a Bid for the Purchase of Three Hybrid Sport Utility Vehicles .pdf
CB 2025-011 A Resolution Authorizing the Acquisition of Property for the Boneyard Creek Improvements Project .pdf
CB 2025-010 A Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Change Order No. 1 for Phase 2 of the Public Works HVAC Replacement Project .pdf
CB 2025-009 An Ordinance Amending the Annual Budget for General Fund.pdf
CB 2025-008 A Resolution Approving a Grant Agreement with the United States Government and an Intergovernmental Agreement Between the City of Champaign, the City of Urbana, and Champaign County Relative to.pdf
CB 2025-007 An Ordinance Amending Section 2-25 of the Champaign Municipal Code.pdf
CB 2025-006 A Resolution Approving an Agreement with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois, to Provide the City with Health Insurance, and Approving a Health Insurance Waiver Incentive Program.pdf
CB 2025-005 A Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of the “Prime Alert IP Add On” Fire Station Alerting System Equipment.pdf
CB 2025-004 An Ordinance Adopting Tax Increment Financing for the Springfield & Mattis Redevelopment Project Area.pdf
CB 2025-003 An Ordinance Designating the Springfield and Mattis Redevelopment Project Area.pdf
CB 2025-002 An Ordinance Approving the Tax Increment Redevelop Plan & Project -Springfield & Mattis Redevelopment.pdf
CB 2025-001 A Resolution Approving a Plan of Acquisition by Purchase or Lease of Property.pdf